Saturday, November 1, 2014


Sorry I did not get back to you yesterday.  I think Shirl if  ANYONE  may have been affected by a malfunction yesterday, it may have been you and if so  apology, apology!!!!!!  No way did I ever believe type could be so small.  I hope all is OK with your e-mail.  I saw Jack's comment today saying he was confused.  I have news for him,  I still am confused  more than not.  I was so happy you all got my blog yesterday and could answer it.  A very few people have seen it but it was getting bigger but no comments.  That could have been  intentional since I am pretty sure it was from I Google and no one knew me.  They have a blogging system where you can make short blogs.  When I say short I do mean short but they can add beautiful or funny or their choice to the blog.   Their are some beautiful photos of scenery in here, wedding set ups and adorable pictures of animals.  Of course our Spunky is best.  He is showing his age and growing  those lumps and bumps from the Crones disease.  I never heard of a dog or any animal producing to much steroid, but leave it to us, to get one that does.  We love every one of him lumps and all as you know.  If I can stay in an upright position and not on the floor, I do pretty good.  Sheila wants me to e-mail her on Face book.  I have no idea how to do this.  I get posted on  Face book that I have a blog but you get to it with a link.  I am not to handy with links either.  Must go.  Getting near time to fix supper so have to go.  I get very adventuresome with left overs.  So far it is working.  Very little in the garbage and not in Spunky either.

1 comment:

  1. leftovers are always good. It's great hearing about Spunky. He is one sweet fella.
